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About Us


Welcome to the Learning Tree

Our specialist Montessori Centre is a sister school to Kidsfirst Fiji ( A free play-based ECE centre and Primary School established in 2015.) 


The Learning Tree Montessori Preschool and Kindergarten was established by Krystle and Ethan Buksh in 2021 to bring the Montessori approach to Fiji and offering a broader selection of quality early childhood education and care. 


We thrive to provide children with the highest quality care and learning opportunities in a supportive Montessori philosophy of instruction.


Each staff at The Learning Tree Montessori is dedicated to working with parents to support the personal growth and development of each child. By employing the Montessori approach in our teaching and care, we ensure each child is able to explore and learn at his or her own pace, fostering a deep and meaningful learning experience. 

What is a Montessori Preschool?

Montessori has long been a buzzword in the world of preschool, but what exactly does it mean and is this type of learning right for your child?


Imagine your three-year-old mixing it up with kindergarten-age kids, using a kitchen knife all by himself, and making his own decisions about what he’d like to work on next. Those are a few of the hallmarks of a Montessori classroom — and for many children, this emphasis on independence, skill-building, and freedom within limits is a wonderful path to learning. Here’s more info to help you decide if your munchkin might be Montessori material.



What is the Montessori approach?

Developed more than 100 years ago in Italy by Dr. Maria Montessori, this educational philosophy is devoted to developing the whole child (emotionally, cognitively, physically, and socially) through interaction rather than direct instruction. And though any school can call itself “Montessori,” the method has some unique distinguishing characteristics:

  • Multi-age classrooms: In a Montessori preschool, kids are commonly grouped together from ages three through six, creating a community in which younger kids learn from older ones and big kids reinforce what they know by sharing it with others. A trained Montessori teacher typically stays with a child for all three years, so they get to know each other very well.

  • Montessori learning materials: Child-sized, developmentally appropriate items designed to help children learn specific concepts and skills are an integral part of the Montessori curriculum. For example, kids explore counting with small colored beads and practical life skills with mini kitchen utensils and cleaning tools. Cleanliness, order, and a layout that facilitates movement are also important parts of the classroom environment.

  • Independent work: A Montessori classroom is a busy place with lots of tempting things to do; unlike a traditional preschool, though, it’s not the standard teachers-talk, kids-listen situation. Instead, teachers (sometimes called guides) introduce materials to small groups and then children decide on their own which materials to use and when. During “work time,” teachers observe what students are doing, offering guidance when needed while encouraging kids to overcome challenges on their own or with help from a buddy. This style allows for a fairly large number of students per teacher, since classmates act as teachers too.


A typical day in our Montessori classroom may be longer than a traditional preschool (four or more hours, vs. two to three). This allows for the large block of work time that is central to the Montessori approach. During this two- to three-hour period, children choose materials, complete their tasks, and put materials back neatly so others can have a turn. Before and after work time, there is usually a group meeting. This is similar to other preschool "mat or circle time" meetings — setting expectations, group discussions, presentations by teachers or students, books, songs, etc. During morning snack, it may be served communally (by the children), or students may have the option to take a short break from their work to eat (and clean up!) their own snack. Towards the end of the morning, there is time for physically active play, usually outside. If children stay for lunch, they help prepare, serve, and clean up the meal as much as possible. They have rest time after lunch.


With the Montessori approach each child works at his own pace and follows his own interests, which helps instill a love of learning and a strong sense of curiosity. And although the experience may differ from that of a more traditional preschool setting, Montessori students are well prepared for primary school when the time comes.

Meet Our Staff

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Krystle Buksh
Founder, Owner and Child Development Specialist


Krystle holds a Post-Graduate Degree In Early Childhood Education and Care from the New Zealand Tertiary College and has been teaching in ECE since 2009. Her passion to return to Fiji in 2015 to open up Kidsfirst Fiji, saw great change in the ECE sector in Fiji, 

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Ethan Buksh

Founder, Owner and Business Manager



Ethan is responsible for all our buildings, classrooms and playgrounds. He also assists in the curriculum planning and writing.  

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Olive Covert

Kindergarten Teacher


Olive has been teaching in ECE for over 8 years and is currently pursuing further studies at USP in Early Childhood Education. She is passionate about her work and enjoys working with Children.

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Adi Lalabalavu



Adi has been with Kidsfirst for over 4 years and receives, assesses and manages all enrolments and inquiries for both Kidsfirst Fiji and The Learning Tree. She possess a great passion for ECE and management. 

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